there was a time before the last World War – and after. Thus, this
website will in time also deal with the Great War of 1914-18, the wars of 1848 and
1864, the medieval fortified cities and castles and the Viking Age, as
well as with the fortresses of the Cold War. In all modesty, my goal is to present an easily accessible overview of the past thousand
years of fortifications in Denmark
- and to some extend in
as well. This is obviously a long-term project, and
the level of completion will vary significantly throughout the website.
being my mother tongue will naturally affect my prioritizing, giving first
rights to the Danish parent site "krigsturist.dk", but it is my
firm determination to develop this English branch as well. It will take some time
however, and if you are an English speaking foreigner reading this, and
you want to go as a war-tourist to Denmark, you are more than welcome to
write me, and I will do what I can to assist you in your selection of
travel destinations and other relevant information that may help make your
trip better.
Initially these pages will display Danish and Norwegian sites only.
France, Belgium and Holland will follow as time allows, starting with the
Normandy coast defenses and V-weapon installations. A new, 2012
development will be pages focusing on the war in Berlin 1939-1989,
these are in the mould. Fact sheets covering
historical and technical aspects will be included when relevant.
If you would like
to stay tuned, I recommend that you "Like" my facebook page War Tourist
Magazine. If your interest also cover the war in Berlin,
then the page Berlin
Wartourist may be relevant too.
Also stay tuned for updates on these pages. I will make a serious effort to translate a number of the most interesting pages, and updates will
occur frequently. Please contact
me, if you have suggestions, special
wishes or positive criticism to wartourist.eu
In times of political correctness it is probably appropriate to mention,
that wartourist.eu intends no glorification of the Nazi Regime or war in
general. Nor is it the intention to prosper on - or neglect the suffering
of - countless millions that fell victims to that perverted ideology in
the 12 years it prevailed.
You can follow the progress on the OVERVIEW
page or you can use the floating menu in the left side. Links marked DK
will take you to the Danish website. This may do you little good, as you probably cannot read the text, but you can at
least see the pictures and use the maps provided. |